Ultimate in Automation. Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/23/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/23/2024



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • The Ultimate in Automation – TrafficZipper and M3 Inner Circle
  • Get 3 Free Leads A Day For The Next 
  • The Value of Ad Bars on Your Splash Pages
  • About ExitPops
  • WorldProfit Live Workshop on March 22nd Recording

Newsletter Archive

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Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, LifeBalanceB2B.com under heading Newsletters


The Ultimate in Automation – TrafficZipper and M3 Inner Circle

Let me show you the Autopilot Traffic Machine that I use myself, TrafficZipper and the M3 Inner Circle.  Once set up, it is completely hands free. 

I'm in good company:  notable marketing giants like Frank Bauer, Jeffrey Aman, and many others are using this to get leads every single day.

And Jeffrey is not ashamed to brag about his earnings with this page.  Hey, Jeff also shares the tools and pages he promotes to get his results. 

Jeff has some great training on this page.  You can join everything you need right from this page

Use this page to get set up, then find the share code at the bottom of this page to get a copy of this page that YOU can promote 100% free.  This page is an excellent way to start building your list and start earning a multi-stream income.


I was talking with Stan Stuchinki (BigDog) yesterday, and he reminded me of a site I had joined months ago and had forgotten about, 100PercentMailer.  He was telling me of the great results he was getting.  I guess the reason I forgot about it was that I had been using it all along to get leads through my TrafficZipper Autopilot submissions.

You can join 100PercentMailer as a standalone safelist that DELIVERS.  As a Platinum member, I send an email to 1500 members every day

TIP:  Don't upgrade inside.  There are huge bargains with extras when you upgrade using the OTOs. I recommend that you upgrade minimally to GOLD, that allows you to send to 1000 members every 2 days.

On my setup page above, I share a coupon code for 100PercentMailer that gets you 1 Lifetime Banner Ad + 5,000 Mailing Credits – a $40 total value!


  • get started with the training HERE,
  • go down the page to learn about TrafficZipper and M3 Inner Circle,
  • join 100PercentMailer,
  • then join LeadsLeap and create your OWN page to promote.

Get 3 Free Leads A Day For The Next 10 Days

How This Works…

  • Meet real people looking for a side hustle or extra income at home
  • Witness a surge in sales with our game-changing leads and toolkit
  • With each lead you get the following information: Email, Name, Phone, State and IP Address
  • Daily lead deliveries are Monday – Sunday
  • Free Live Training & Battle-Tested Scripts
  • Fastest way to grow your list on a shoe-string budget 

These are LEADS, not sign-ups or subscribers. Don't SELL to them.  Introduce yourself to them, and ask about their interest in Network Marketing.  Offer them something FREE that would be of value to them (like the free promo codes from Advertising Blowout, an ebook, something front-ended with a capture page to get them on your list).

Get your free leads HERE

The Value of Ad Bars on Your Splash Pages

You may wonder why I use AD BARS at the top of my Splash/Capture Pages…  


Here is an example… 

The CONTENT of the page essentially encourages viewers to subscribe to my BigDogs Newsletter, which is essentially spoon feeding them bits of information about Secrets of the Big Dogs in small chunks, allowing them to UNDERSTAND BEFORE THEY BUY OR COMMIT.

But, what is the first thing they see before they even look at the content? A flashy splashpage, well designed, that catches their attention, and a colorful bar (Ad Bar) right at the top that tells them what I used to create it!   People click the Ad Bar which takes them to new tab with a BuildABizOnline offer that demo's BABO and offers to try it for free.

I Get BABO Signups from this Ad Bar.

Another scenario: a splashpage promoting BigDogs that tells how I get traffic and earn commissions using State-Of-The-Art-Mailer.

And other favorite that builds my safelist referrals: an Ad Bar for free promo codes on 400+ safelists with Advertising Blowout

How to Create Ad Bars

So, obviously, you can use the Pro Simple Splash & Capture Page Builder in BABO to automatically create the Ad Bars,

or… create Ad Bars using LeadsLeap, then apply them with the Page Builder or with trackers.

I actually just copied the html code, and then I paste it into the html SOURCE of splash pages with other page builders or raw html.  Change the description and url in div id="stickyBarContent


An ExitPop is a page that displays after you try to move off of the existing page you are viewing.  There are many opinions about ExitPops,

  • some for them because they "disrupt" the viewer's attention, and cause them to "re-look" at the main page which increases cognition,
  • then there are those that adamantly oppose them (like many safelist admins because they may disrupt the proper click credit flow).

Again, these are standard features in LeadsLeap and BuildABizOnline.

My personal experience is that I rarely get sig-ups from what I promoting on the exit pops, but I "disruptive technology effect".  Just be careful that effects like slide-in or fade do not get you in trouble with the system admin (I am one – I approve ads every day on over 200 safelists).

LIVE weekly Workshop Recording with Worldprofit CEO and Technical Wizard George Kosch.

Get the latest recording:  https://webcastsource.com/livetraining


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/homebiztips 

Free Associate Membership with 600+ PLR plus Goodies
>>>>> https://worldprofit.com?id=28555

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo
>>>>> https://richardjmoyer.gotbackuptour.com/

Check out my Top Moneymaker
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/bigdog

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