Use ChatGPT and Autoresponder To Build Your List

I keep talking about ChatGPT and I know that most newbies shut down.

  • How can I afford these tools?
  • How do I learn about it, get training?

Well, I was browsing the Google Play Store, and guess what I found? 

Yep, a ChatGPT app for Android!  Absolutely FREE!

Just playing around, I wrote a couple prompts.:

Create 5 subject lines about list building thanksgiving theme


  1. “Gobble Up Success: 5 Tips for Growing Your Email List this Thanksgiving ??”
  2. “Thanksgiving Treat: Boost Your List Building Efforts with These Strategies ??”
  3. “Give Thanks for Growth: List Building Tactics for a Bountiful Email List ??”
  4. “Feast on Results: Thanksgiving-Themed List Building Ideas for Your Business ???”
  5. “Gratitude & Growth: Harvest More Subscribers This Thanksgiving Season ??”

Write ad copy for this subject line “Gobble Up Success: 5 Tips for Growing Your Email List this Thanksgiving ??”


???? Ready to expand your reach this Thanksgiving?

Discover five powerful tips to grow your email list and carve out a feast of success!

Embrace the spirit of gratitude and watch your subscriber base soar.

Start building a community that’s as bountiful as your Thanksgiving table.

Don’t miss out – gobble up success this season! ????

#ListBuilding #ThanksgivingSuccess


So, what am I going to promote to get this started? 

My favorites are list building tools, and traffic sources. 

Let’s make this a LIST BUILDING PROJECT and GIVE AWAY Traffic as a bonus!


Let’s see…

Any list building project requires:

  • Ad Copy – DONE
  • Subject Lines – DONE
  • An autoresponder
  • A Capture page
  • A Thankyou/Bonus Page
  • Copy for message stream emails
  • Traffic Sites to promote your project.

OK.  Don’t worry, I’m going to spoon feed you everything you need.

I will state right up front, this WILL REQUIRE a monthly subscription to BuildABizOnline Pro (BABO).
It wll cost $10 per month for all the tools you need to start building YOUR LIST!

We’re going to use the subject lines and ad copy I generated here.

There is a sample message stream incuded with BABO. 

  • You will create a new autoresponder campaign,
  • update the verification email and verification message,
  • then create each of the follow-up messages. Create your first message stream with BuildABiz Ad Copy
  • Follow the video/instructions under  Video Tutorials .

You will create a thankyou/bonus page

  • Create a new page with Our Simple Splash & Capture Page Builder
  • Select template Blank Template Add Your Own html Code (all the way at bottom)
  • import my template, Splash Page ID: 15830 Passcode: 6p4g8w3
  • Update YOUR PROGRAM banner and affiliate ID
  • Update traffic sources with banners/urls from safelists you have joined
  • PLR bonuses are my gift to you to use.
  • Optional: Join MyTrafficPowerline, The Click Engine, and Automatic Builder and update with your affiliate IDs
  • This is an example of how to obtain and offer VALUABLE BONUSES…
  • that you can turn into REFERRAL OPPORTUNITIES…
  • and Multiple Streams of Income.
  • customize it for your affiliate links.

You will create a capture page,

  • In your autoresponder, go into Your Campaigns
  • Change Template
  • customize it for your affiliate links and redirect in Settings.
  • Redirect your subscribers to your ThankYou/Bonus Page
  • Promote using the capture page with link at Your Capture Page Link 

You will join Advertising Blowout, and

  • sign up for safelists,
  • using Promo Codes to get free ad packs for each site you join.

Then you will begin promoting YOUR PROJECT.



THIS IS HOW YOU WILL SUCCEED  in Network Marketing!

Is this something you could do?  Maybe 2 hours work. Total cost, $10 per month. (BTW, it could be tax deductible).

Your investment of 2 HOURS and $10 per month may mean the difference between FAILURE or SUCCESS in Network Marketing.


Rich Moyer
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