Why You Do It. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-19-2024

Why You Do It. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-19-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/19/2024



Today’s Topics
  • I am a Prime Example Why You Need GotBackUp
  • Top Reasons People FAIL at Network Marketing
  • You NEED LOTS of Traffic!
  • Worldprofit Workshop – new recording posted


I am a Prime Example Why You Need GotBackUp

A couple years ago, in the height of tax preparation season, I was reconciling my accounts AGAIN with QuickBooks – the numbers just didn’t tie out, and my accountant gave me ANOTHER courtesy call, “When are you going to get your tax stuff to me?”

It started out that my screensaver locked my PC which is
normal. When I went to put my password in to unlock it, I got
a message that the password was wrong. I know that is not
the case, since I logged in umty-umph times that day using that
same password. Then, other things started happening… goofy
stuff I didn’t think much about at the time. I pulled out my
trusty data stick with my password recovery on it.  The system kept saying it did not recognize that drive as a recovery disk.

TIP: Create a new memory stick for Windows recovery every time you change your password.

Things were taking an unusually long time to respond – and
then I heard the telltale “whirrr clunk whirrr clunk”. My hard
disk was crashing.

None of my system recovery disks or rescue disks (I keep
several sets) would work. I would get to a certain point and
would get “blue screen of death”.

My hard disk was fried. A brick. Gone…

None of my “hardware wizard” recovery tools worked at all.
I have many computers, but they are either dedicated to client
networks, or so brain dead and back level, they would take 10
minutes to load a 30 second Youtube video. So off to my “graveyard” and in an hour I was able to patchwork together a
workable machine that would serve as a stopgap.

The good news from all this is that I had signed up as a
Founding Member of GotBackup, and purchased the family plan.   For a total $9.95 per month you get:

  • 6 Accounts
  • Total 6,000 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Devices Per Account
  • PC, MAC, Android, IOS, Linux Apps
  • Data Accessible from Cloud with Any Browser
  • Additional discount for paying annually

I hadn’t gotten around to installing it on my wife’s machine, but my primary machine for my business had it installed as soon as I signed up, and had a safe copy of my data On The Cloud.

So, once I got my hobbled patchwork temporary machine able
to load a browser, I simply logged on to GotBackup, and was
able to recover most of the files I needed (the exception being
Quickbooks itself, which is giving me some license warnings).

Nevertheless, I could use all the spreadsheets I exported from
Quickbooks, the trial balance, income statement, and journal so
I could manually patch this stuff together so I could save a life:
that of my accountant who would have a coronary if I told him my machine crashed.

So GotBackup is not only a great recovery tool, but it truly

Got Backup?

Get Rich Quick, “Easy Button” programs DO NOT NOW nor HAVE EVER WORKED.

This is a BUSINESS not a hobby. This is NOT this weekend’s beer money

Top Reasons People FAIL at Network Marketing…

  • They promote affiliate links without capturing the lead
  • They do not have a LIST so they have no way to build a relationship and FOLLOW UP
  • They do not have the ESSENTIAL TOOLS that EVERY Network Marketer must have.
  • They use INEFFECTIVE ads because they are easy and cheap (even if trading credits, there is a “cost”)
  • They do not TREAT IT LIKE A BUSINESS or INVEST Time and MONEY.

Stan’s Big Dog Secrets requires some INVESTMENT but it only requires 30 minutes per day.

Your major investment is in QUALITY, PROVEN TRAFFIC SOURCES.

Stan tells you WHERE and HOW. He even gives you a DAILY SCHEDULE.

Follow the plan. IT WORKS.

Secrets of the Big Dogs

You NEED LOTS of Traffic!

I Will Give You a 1 Year Gold Upgrade to a New Safelist

That’s 104 Safelists!  104 1-Year Gold Upgrades!
$3848.00 USD Value

Build Your Stable of Traffic Sites that have TONS of Free Credits and Free Ads.  Send with Minimal Clicking.

Send Credit eMails and Solo Ads for BEST RESULTS with Promotions for ANY of Your Affiliate Programs.

Post Banners, Buttons, Textlinks, and Surf Sites for Long Term Results.

Promote These Sites and Earn 30% Commissions when YOUR REFERRALS Purchase Ads, Upgrades, OTOs, Offers, or SuperSolos.

Join Each Weekly Safelist for FREE.

  • Verify Your Email.
  • Get a 5-pack of Ads and Credits for Joining.
  • Redeem Promo Code newmember for Another Ad-Pack.
  • Redeem your Exclusive Promo Code for the 1-Year Gold Upgrade.
  • Gold Members Receive Monthly Ads and Credits.

Even MORE Promo Codes for MORE FREE ADS and Credits when you redeem credits from Advertising Blowout.

Are You Ready to Get Your NO COST Traffic Site Gold Upgrades and Bonuses?

Sign Up for a Safelist Gold Upgrade Every Week HERE

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop recording posted for 8-16-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:    https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting