Will Be Back. Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/25/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/25/2024    

I'll Be Back.

This is the last newsletter until I have recovered 
from surgery on 6/27/2024. 


Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Dave Mosher Emergency Deals
  • 2 POWERFUL Words!
  • Worldprofit Member Perspective About Associates
  • Why don't you see Income Claims?
  • It takes 7-11 exposures
  • Witness the ONE and ONLY!
  • Worldprofit Workshop recording

Newsletter Archive

Do you like these newsletters? 

Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, LifeBalanceB2B.com under heading Newsletters

Hot off the Presses – Dave Mosher Emergency Deals

Dave Mosher needs some quick cash for auto repairs!  He not only needs a fuel pump but his A/C too (mandatory in Texas).

This works for YOU because the Texas heat must be getting to him.  He is posting some MIND NUMBINGLY CRAZY Deals. 

This is a BARGAIN BASEMENT way to get HALF PRICE Elite upgrades loaded with ad packs and credits, and includes BONUSES with MASSIVE numbers of Supersolos (hint:  THIS is the way I get them!)

As always, there are a limited number of these CRAZY offers and they are available for a limited time.  

BlazingHotViralMailer has over 2,740+ members. The OTO dropped to HALF, still giving you 100 Super Solos, and 5 Safelist 1-Year Gold Upgrades!

If you are one of the first 35 Members to take advantage of the One-Time Elite Upgrade with 100 Super Solos for $49.95, he is going to throw in another special bonus for you as a surprise, and a thank you for helping him with this Emergency Sale!



You will be surprised what they are!

When Worldprofit Associates ask questions about what Worldprofit offers…

We've got everything you need to start and GROW an online business!
Doesn't matter what affiliate program(s) you are in – you can use our services!

Every Affiliate marketer on the planet needs what Worldprofit offers – and I can connect them!

Here's the 2 most POWERFUL words 


That's it!

In your Associate member area you can DISCOVER what Worldprofit offers!

  • See what you get as a free Associate Member.
  • Watch the SILVER MEMBERSHIP Video to see the benefits of upgrading.
  • When you login you will be met with Special Offers, incentives, fantastic upgrade deals!
  • You will see the LIVE Business Center AND our Monitors (member volunteers) ready willing and able to help.
  • When you login the Monitor has instant access to all your questions in real time through the chatbox.
  • When you login you become eligible for special offers and incentives to purchase advertising, upgrades etc. 
  • If you still have questions, our Support Team at Worldprofit is standing by to help you.
  • As a Free Associate, you can PROMOTE the Done-For-You landing pages and ad copy for Worldprofit products or services.  You can earn 5% commission on any sales. (FYI, this is aligned with Amazon Affiliates who also earn 5%)
  • Free Associates can post unlimited free Classified Ads from their sponsor's Classified Ad Page.  There are now 2,389 sites hosting these ads and GROWING! PLUS our Classifieds Widget is on 1,935 Blog Sites
  • Free Associates can get HUNDREDS of DOLLARS in FREE Advertising at 18 HIGH TRAFFIC websites with over 135,000 members!.  Claim your PROMO CODE and use at 1 site, or all 18 sites – at NO cost. Promote your Affiliate Links and start getting sales conversions.  Here's the Advertising Credits you get:
    • 430,000 credits
    • 16 solo credits
    • 49 banner spots
    • 6 login ads. 

Worldprofit Member Perspective About Associates

As a Worldprofit Silver or PlatinumVIP member, our system KICKS in when Associates login.

Members can elect to be notified whenever their Associates login, when Associates are in the Live Business Center, and when Associates Visit Sales Center Pages.  They also get a daily report.  BUT, they don't HAVE to respond.

Associates receive a daily Associate Newsletter via email on their SPONSOR'S BEHALF.  This newsletter contains hints and tips about network marketing, information about Worldprofit, and offers for products and services. The member does not have to do any of the research, any of the word-smithing or copy writing to produce this newsletter.

This means members can focus 100% on promotion.

Our members will focus on generating NEW Associate memberships every day (BUILDING THEIR LIST) by PROMOTING consistently, using Safelists, Solo Ads, Social Media, or whatever method they like.

Our members will use the tools, resources, and landing pages in the member area to promote so they get new Associate memberships.

When the Associates, who members have referred, make a purchase or upgrade to Silver or PlatinumVIP, those members earn commissions.

The MORE Associates our members have the MORE the likelihood of seeing a conversion to sales – AND as they promote they are GROWING their email marketing list. 

Members can contact their Associates individually via email, text, or phone

Members have several options for LISTS they can build, and send broadcasts to:

  • Members can send BROADCASTS daily to Newsletter Subscribers
    • These reports are one-off and are specifically requested. Subscribers to THIS list may or may not be Associates.
  • Members can also send  BROADCASTS daily to Broadcast groups, Exclusive Leads, Emerald Leads, or all Associates.  
    • These broadcasts can be ArticlesAffiliate Promotions or Offers, or the sponsor's own newsletters (like this one).
  • PlatinumVIP members can use the Autoresponder to create message stream campaigns
    • They can send unlimited Autoresponder messages and
    • unlimited BROADCASTS to Autoresponder campaign subscribers.

Do you see how it works?

When you get asked what we are, who we are, how does it work?


It all starts with a free Associate membership.

Our members will get out there and will be promoting.

Not a Free Associate yet?  Join HERE then check your inbox/spam folder for your email verification message.



Why don't you see Income Claims…
at Worldprofit or any time from ME!

Because your income depends on the WORK YOU PUT INTO MARKETING

There is NO EASY BUTTON.   (sorry…)

If you.. 

  • DO what the training tells you to do,
  • you PROMOTE, and
  • remain vigilant in marketing YOUR BUSINESS,


but it takes PATIENCE.

It takes 7-11 exposures to move someone from

Lead (curious) to Prospect (interested) to Potential Customer (Buyer).  

If you are just posting an affiliate link or sales page without a means to capture the name and email of that lead to a list manager or autoresponder, you have no ability to maintain further contact with that lead. 

In email marketing (that's what you are doing when you send Credit Mails and Solo Ads on Safelists), your goal is to GET TARGETED LEADS with interest in your product or service as SPECIFIED ON YOUR CAPTURE PAGE to SUBSCRIBE to YOUR "LIST". 

You then have the opportunity to provide those 7-11 exposures, NURTURE those subscribers and build KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.  People BUY from those they TRUST.

Witness the ONE and ONLY!

Worldprofit is the only company that offers a Monitor Network as part of our Live Business Center.

The purpose of the Live Business Center is for closing sales for ALL Members of our growing Home Business Community.

Monitors are VOLUNTEER MEMBERS, the key people that take part in this very important sales closing system while learning the workings of Worldproft's earn at home training system. Worldprofit's LIVE Business Center is where it all happens! 

Free Associates referred by our Members login and see the rLive Business Center – and can chat with our Monitors. Many of these free Associates upgrade to Silver membership to enjoy full privileges.   

For people worldwide, our LIVE Business Center is their portal into the excitement of all of the services, resources, training and software offered at Worldprofit. 



Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/homebiztips 

Free Associate Membership with 50,000 Visitors
>>>>> https://worldprofit.com?id=28555

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo
>>>>> https://richardjmoyer.gotbackuptour.com/

Check out my Top Moneymaker
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/bigdog

100% Direct Pay Commissions. Automatic Signups & Traffic
>>>>> https://llpgpro.com/rjmabbigdogs