Working with Leads. Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/25/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/25/2024



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • 100Percent Mailer Delivers
  • Working With Leads
  • Did You Remember to Change Your Smoke Detector Batteries?
  • Deal Alert: Mail 545,810+ Members 1X ONLY $5.00
  • WorldProfit Live Workshop on March 22nd Recording

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100PercentMailer Delivers

I was talking with Stan Stuchinki (BigDog) the other day, and he reminded me of a site I had joined months ago and had forgotten about, 100PercentMailer.  He was telling me of the great results he was getting. 

You can join 100PercentMailer as a standalone safelist that DELIVERS.

As a Platinum member, I send an email to 1500 members every day

TIP:  Don't upgrade inside.  There are huge bargains with extras when you upgrade using the OTOs. I recommend that you upgrade minimally to GOLD, that allows you to send to 1000 members every 2 days.

Get a coupon code for 100PercentMailer that gets you 1 Lifetime Banner Ad + 5,000 Mailing Credits – a $40 total value!

Working With Leads

If you are working with PURCHASED LEADS (not leads organically collected) you have to remember that these are LEADS, not sign-ups or subscribers.

First, only use EXCLUSIVE LEADSDo not use SHARED LEADS!

How you Contact Them

I know everyone is scared to death to do it, but DIRECT CONTACT using this ancient method is the most EFFECTIVE:  TALK to them ON THE PHONE.  This is the BEST way to start establishing RAPPORT

After I talk with a lead, I ALWAYS follow up with an email that reiterates the bullet points of what we discussed.  I DO NOT SELL TO THEM, but if in our discussion they request a link to a product or service (the most common requests are for autoresponders or tools), I try to send offers that have a free or low cost trial.  In a couple days, send them an email with a free ebook or training course on topic, with the subject like, "Found this ebook related to our discussion".

Email Is OK But Not As Effective

I like to send a short friendly, introduction email to an INDIVIDUAL LEAD (not a group with bcc's) from my personal email.  I mention that they had asked for information about Network Marketing (or the appropriate NICHE), and I am a independent consultant that the company has asked to help follow up with them.  I offer my HELP, and tell them I have been in Network Marketing  for 14 years, and have experienced all the road bumps, and am willing to share what I've LEARNED, and OFFER TO HELP.  I tell them that I USE WHAT I RECOMMEND, and share the resources I use with them.

Through WorldProfit, I have used a service called Call Loop, where I send a recorded voice message.  I personally hate to be the recipient of these solicitations by phone, and even hate text messaging more so I personally do not use them, or social media.  These are your choice, but I would suggest only using them if you already have a personal relationship.

Your Goal

Your goal is NOT TO MAKE A SALE. Your goal is not just to get a subscriber, but to build a RELATIONSHIP and gain a LIFE LONG CUSTOMER.  Get them to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.

How to Approach Them

Don't SELL to them.  These leads have no idea what your business opportunity is, or who you are. Introduce yourself to them, and ask about their interest in Network Marketing.  Offer them something FREE that would be of value to them (like the free promo codes from Advertising Blowout, an ebook, something front-ended with a capture page to get them on your list).

Training and Resources For You

LeadPower has some great resources that teach you the how-to about using leads of all types, and the first step is knowing your audience and their preferences.  There are even scripts you can adapt to your style and situation.  You can sign up as a free member to LeadPower to get access to these resources, but also to get on the mailing list of Ron Malezis where you get tons of free tips (and inside information about discounts and specials on leads).

WorldProfit Silver or PlatiumVIP members can also find information on Call Loop, and a section with sample scripts.  The script for phone contact of leads can be found in the PROSPECT MANAGER section of your Member area. You will need to click on the details of an Associate's name, and then a new mini menu will appear with the option for PHONE SCRIPT. Please note that this script is just a suggestion and guide, not a rigid template. It is recommended to be honest and genuine rather than pushy or aggressive when contacting leads.

Nexus Snap has some great webinars with top recruiters that share their methods, and sometimes secrets.  Premium members also have access to a Telegram group.  Great resources for a $10 per month business.  

GotBackup also has great webinars and training.  A $20 lifetime affiliate fee and $9.97 per month.  Facebook groups for members

Out of the two, I like Nexus Snap training and interaction better.

Did You Remember to Change Your Smoke Detector Batteries?

Working smoke alarms are a critical element of home safety. Always check to make sure your smoke alarm batteries are changed every 6 months.

I put a reminder in my calendar to change batteries twice a year, when time changes to Daylight Savings time and back to Standard time.  I also put a reminder a couple days in advance to ORDER 9V BATTERIES FROM AMAZON.  Hey, I get free shipping with PRIME, and I'm too lazy to trek to Lowes.

Many of the smoke alarms do not allow you to change batteries. ​If your smoke alarms are more than 10 years old, you should replace them too.


Deal Alert: Mail 545,810+ Members 1X ONLY $5.00

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Get this offer while still available, 

Join FullTimeTextAds then purchase Login Offer #3 for $5

LIVE weekly Workshop Recording with Worldprofit CEO and Technical Wizard George Kosch.

Get the latest recording:


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