Business Opportunity Have an autoresponder? – Newsletter 12/5/2023

Rich Moyer Newsletter 12/5/2023

If your Business Opportunity Has an “autoresponder”, why you might need a toolkit like BuildABizOnline.

I’m actively promoting several business opportunities that provide “marketing tools” that LOOK LIKE an autoresponder, but when you look under the hood, they are simply a contact manager.  The “autoresponder” message streams are “canned” message streams for which you have no control of the content.

Let’s look at Automatic Builder/Nexus Snap.  Automatic Builder is a free system, and the baseline marketing tools system, and Nexus Rewards/Nexus Snap is an add-on that uses the baseline marketing tools system. Automatic Builder has 3 membership levels:

  • Free – you can use this baseline system to build your list.
  • A – Direct Pay module – members pay one-time $27 so they receive $27 or $47 direct payments from subscribes
  • AB Combo – Direct Pay module PLUS the Ad Revenue module.  Cost is $47 one-time.

Yes, there is a contact management system with categories to separate the various types of contacts (like verified, not verified, A, AB Combo, Free, Premium, etc.).  There are actually two sets of marketing tools: one for Automatic Builder, a separate set for Nexus Snap, although they both share the same contact management system.   

If you have Automatic Builder as a standalone, there is a monthly fee for the marketing tools that costs $15.95. This includes an autoresponder with a canned message stream for Free, A-only, and AB Combo signups.  The content of these message streams is visible, but cannot be modified.

If you add on the Nexus Snap option, you get both Automatic Builder and Nexus Snap tools (the GOLD option) for $9.95 per month.  You must be a Nexus Snap member to qualify for GOLD.  Account set-up for Nexus Snap is $40.  Premium membership is $9.95 per month.  Nexus corporate controls all the message content for Nexus Snap — you cannot even see what they are sending out.

For any contacts, you can send individual emails from within the contact manager.  To get broadcast capability to all contacts, or selected groups, there is a $5.95 monthly fee to send broadcast messages to up to 3000 recipients.

Limitations of Automatic Builder/Nexus Snap

While both sides of this system do provide canned capture pages (effectively just signup pages), and landing pages (to select as redirect pages after signup), these pages cannot be modified.

What I find works best for me is to create my OWN capture pages that are attached to my OWN autoresponder message streams where I control the content, and have full broadcast capabilities without restriction. 
  • By using my own capture pages, I can distinguish myself from the thousands of others simply promoting their affiliate links or canned signup pages.
  • I control the offer
  • I control the message stream content
  • My message stream content is personalized with MY picture, MY Email, MY website, MY Youtube channels, and MY signature line offers.

Once the prospect verifies their email, they are redirected to either my ThankYou/Bonus Page, or to the canned capture/signup page.  I like the ThankYou/Bonus page, because I can offer incentives to verify, and bonuses that range from ebooks, to software, to traffic bonuses.

My latest bonus offer for Nexus Snap is 10 Elite 1-year safelist upgrades valued at $600+ for Premium members on my team.

Of course the first item on the ThankYou/Bonus page is the link to the Nexus capture/signup page.   I have gotten a significant increase in verified double opt-in signups since I tell them to verify email in order to receive their bonus.

  • I have better control of PENDING subscribers who have not verified their email
  • The BONUS provides the INCENTIVE for them to verify the double opt–in BEFORE they are shown the application sign-up and information pages.
  • If they opt-in to get the bonus, but do not sign up for or complete the double opt-in the application, I still have the opportunity to tell them AGAIN through repeating messages in the message stream and broadcasts. (it takes 7-11 exposures…)
  • Bonuses are not rewarded until Premium upgrade is confirmed.

I create MY capture pages and ThankYou/Bonus pages with BuildABizOnline because I have saved templates that can easily been replicated using SHARE CODES

I have many autoresponder systems, but the back-end autoresponder does not matter because BABO allows me to edit the source code of the capture page to insert the particular HTML Form Code for the autoresponder campaign.

The BABO Pro Page Builder and newest Template Builder give you so many no-programming options and features, plus Video Background and Slide-Show Background tools.  There is no excuse for NOT being unique.

Jump Ahead of Thousands. Prelaunch Zoom tonight!

Snap Pre-Launch Zoom 8:00 PM EST Tonight,
Tuesday Dec.5th 2023

Zoom Room and Meeting ID
Meeting ID# 779.652.6043
Call in for listen only: 1.346.248.7799 then enter the Meeting ID# above.

Hope to see you on Zoom!

Rich Moyer
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