Emails Bouncing? Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/28/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/28/2024



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • LeadsLeap Social Reviews
  • Free eBooks – Solo Ad Professor and 1 Million Emails Per Day
  • Secret Mailer on All Dave's Safelist Sites
  • Are Your Emails Bouncing?
  • WorldProfit Live Workshop on March 22nd Recording

Newsletter Archive

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LeadsLeap Social Reviews

Find out what WORKS and what DOESN'T from real users

As a member of LeadsLeap, I regularly get reviews right to my inbox.  Having a consistent format lets you quickly read through them: an overview, what is liked, what is not liked, and bottom line.  I confess, I usually go to the bottom first. 

One note, there are affiliate links in the reviews but, if you have a good sponsor or coach, be courteous and ASK if this is a program they are affiliated with.  I say this because in some of the reviews I posted, the affiliate links have been commandeered by someone else and even though I made the effort to write the review, I would lose the affiliate signups.

This just popped up in my inbox this morning, a review of OLSP.  I share the reviewer's assessment of the training, but I also agree that it is too easy to get distracted, and spend a lot of money on shiny objects, so stay with the core training.

Here are some of the programs I have promoted over the years.  If you go into  the LeadsLeap Social Review site:


Free eBooks – Solo Ad Professor and 1 Million Emails Per Day

It's not secret that I profess the use of ACTIVE TRAFFIC.  Solo ads make up a large part of my story. Download my ebook,  1 Million Emails Per Day .

Credit mails can be sent as long as you have credits, which can be obtained by clicking ads, or purchasing them. 

  • Whenever you join a site, you are given a free ad pack and/or a promo code that usually includes a generous amount of credits. 
  • Promo codes can also be obtained for free through Advertising Blowout and redeemed in the member area
  • Don't forget to login at safelist sites at least monthly to get monthly ads
  • I've gotten tons of credits and many free solo ads by just clicking the button ENTER CONTEST

Credit Mails may be limited by how often you can mail, and a maximum number of members based your your membership level, and of course, available credits in your account.

TIP:  Whenever you send credit mails, if you have referrals, a checkbox will appear near the box where you specify the number of credits to use.  ALWAYS CHECK THIS BOX.  It allows you to send the email to your referrals without expending any credits. (Yet ANOTHER reason to promote safelists to get REFERRALS).

Solos (and HPSolos) do not use click credits: they must typically be purchased. 

  • Solos go to the full membership of THAT SAFELIST
  • SuperSolos go to the full membership of ALL CONNECTED SITES ON THE SuperNetwork.  

I use Solos and HPSolos from safelists, and I use SuperSolos I've purchased.  I get free solos monthly on sites where I have upgraded

I purchase Solos/SuperSolos offers through login ads and OTOs.  I broadcast these offers when I find them to my Traffic Deals Newsletter subscribers.

A free on-topic gift:  Solo Ad Professor

Secret Mailer on All Dave's Safelist Sites

Did you know that there is a LIST MAILER on all Dave's Safelist sites? 

You can mail to EVERYONE WHO HAS JOINED AFTER YOU on that site.

List Mailers require no credits to send.  There are limitations to how often you can send using a List Mailer.

How do you know how many members will receive your List Mailer message? This is a little tricky. 

  • ​You must submit an ad if this is your first submission using List Mailer
  • Go back into List Mailer the following day and click the link:
Click here to see the stats of your previous emails.

You will see the number sent to, and the number of clicks

Are Your Emails Bouncing?

You may not even know it, but Gmail may be limiting the number of messages you receive, or slowing down delivery of your emails because you are getting an large number of emails.  This not only effects YOUR email interaction, but it may be getting YOUR SAFELIST ACCOUNTS SUSPENDED.

When a system or mailer attempts to send email, and your Gmail account is either slowed down or rejecting new messages, the systems have to protect themselves, so they initiate a protocol that "retries and tests".  Hey, the network is not perfect, and there may be hiccups out of your control.  After so many failures the system suspends email delivery to your address.  This is called a BOUNCE.

It is a common mistake for safelist members to use the same Gmail address for everything, stacking up SO MUCH SAFELIST TRAFFIC.   First, having too much traffic SLOWS DOWN your email client.  It takes longer to load, longer to search, and longer to send.  You may run out of MESSAGE STORAGE, in which case, Google is happy to SELL YOU more.

There are so many strategies you can find on Youtube for Gmail hygiene, so I will not reinvent the wheel, but here are some you are not likely to find.

  • Limit the number of safelists using one Gmail address to 10-20.  Gmail IDs are currently free.  Open another Gmail account
  • Most older safelists required a CONTACT EMAIL and LIST EMAIL.  You should reserve your CONTACT EMAIL for important communications, and use multiple LIST EMAILS to receive click-for-credit traffic.  Most newer safelists do not require the split.
  • When possible, use the READ EMAIL ON SITE option.  You should not receive emails to your inbox except for admin mail if you elect this option.
  • Use a tool like MasterSafelistMails to receive your messages.

No Cost Tool to Fix Your Inbox Problems

You know that Dave Mosher owns over 300 safelists, right?  If you joined all his sites, even with multiple Gmail accounts, your GMAIL accounts would be absolutely be BLOWN AWAY.  INUNDATED with unorganized emails that you click for credits.

And Dave sees all the admin notifications for each member on each site about bounces, mailbox full, and receiving mail too quickly.  That's a LOT of emails, and lots of servers to handle all that email!  No wonder safelists get loaded down.

Dave has a NO MORE EMAIL solution called MasterSafelistMails.


Manage ALL of your emails from one location WITHOUT blowing up your GMAIL account.

Once you select the sites you belong to, and save your username/password to connect to each site, you will start to receive ALL of your Credit Mails, Solo Ads, and SuperSolos in 1 location, at MasterSafelistMails.

Not only will you have a master inbox for each site, there’s also a link to automatically login to that particular safelist to start posting your ads.

  • ABSOLUTELY NO COST to you to join MasterSafelistMails!
  • You can join as many sites as you want that are connected to MasterSafelistMails
  • Once connected to MSM, all of your new mail for each connected site comes to your MSM Inbox.
  • No worrying about your GMAIL account(s) getting overloaded with too much mail.
  • No more bouncing! No more throttling from GMAIL limits!


  • Read as many emails you need on a particular site to get the minimum or number of credits you need to do your credit mail or solos.
  • One-click logs you into the site
  • Don't forget to click on the DAILY CONTEST (I get so many free credits/ads just for clicking this every day)

Dave currently has 306 sites connected. The eventual goal is to get ALL SITES SET TO NO EMAIL (except for Admin Emails, Verification Emails, and Password Reset Emails), at which time, All active members will then need to connect with their MasterSafelistMails Inbox.

Note:  I not only USE all these sites, but I ADMIN them too.  I know which are the best performing, and the ones that have the best bonus and upgrade deals.  Want my recommendations of the BEST Sites to Join First?  Get my Traffic Deals Newsletter.

Join Dave's Sites FIRST through the Promo Codes Level One pages, of Advertising Blowout and get Free Promo Codes 

  • Redeem Promo Code newmember
  • Redeem your exclusive Promo Code from Advertising Blowout
  • Then Join MasterSafelistMails
  • Add your site in Select Sites, then update My Sites with your safelist userid and password then save.

You should receive the last 50 messages through MasterSafelistMails.  You can login to the site to see more right from within MasterSafelistMails


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