Optimism. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-8-2024

Optimism. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-8-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/8/2024



Today’s Topics
  • How to make money with Network Marketing
  • Worldprofit Workshop – new recording posted


Question: How can I make money with Network Marketing?

By following the principles and training I continually reinforce about building a list, capturing leads, establishing a rapport with your subscribers, honesty, integrity and attaining the KNOWLIKE, and TRUST your subscribers EXPECT.

Treat it like YOUR BUSINESS.

Consistently apply what we teach you to generate leads that can convert to sales. YOU earn commissions for the sales YOU make.

Question: When should I promote?

Now.  Just because you SUBMIT and ad does not mean it is APPROVED so it can be distributed or shown.

Question: How often should I promote?

As often as you can in as many places as possible. The more promotion, the better!

This can be managed using organization, scheduling, tools and automation. I send 1-2 million emails per day in about 2 hours, excluding MSB, FOX, and TZ traffic.

  • I use the free Windows Multi-Clipboard to reduce the need to switch screens as often for copy/paste
  • I use free tool, Jitbit Autotext, to create shortcuts that eliminate the need to switch screens for copy/paste
  • I use Roboform for multi-platform password management and login automation
  • I use Referral Frenzy, not only to send ads to up to 110 traffic sources, but also to SCHEDULE ads up to 30 days in advance.
  • Many mailers allow SCHEDULING the date/time (usually up to a couple days) to send your credit mail. Examples: MailsyMisterSafelistProactiveMailerAtlasSafelist
  • I use Traffic Zipper to automatically check availability and auto-send rotated credit mails and solos to top mailers
  • I use Lightning Autofill to store ad profiles and automate ad submission to the most popular safelists and mailers.
  • My primary Solo Blaster is Master Safelist Blaster that sends my ads to 548,000+ members of 315 safelists, and rotates my 5 stored ads.  Although not my focus, subscriptions also include banners, buttons, and textlinks.
  • I use Emerald Traffic Blaster to add 3-5 leads daily to my list, generate 500 views per day, automatically send weekly Ruby Solo ads, and post PRIME Login Ads
  • I use the free tool, MasterSafelistMails, to organize incoming credit-earning emails from over 300 safelists, while eliminating Gmail bounces and volume-related slow-downs.  Read the last 50 emails from every site, or login right from there to read more or submit ads.

Question: Where and how should I promote?

Network Marketing is a GAME of LARGE NUMBERS and HIGH COMPETITION.

  • I Use the MOST EFFECTIVE media and methods.
    • Promote using ACTIVE TRAFFIC like Solo ads, Credit Mail, Supersolos
    • I Utilize highly effective Sponsor Login Ads that are seen whenever users login to safelists
    • I Utilize PRIME  Login Ads seen by the millions of Worldprofit Associate members BEFORE they login to Worldprofit’s Associate Member Area & BEFORE they enter any free advertising!
    • I do not bother with ineffective PASSIVE TRAFFIC media like Banners, Buttons, and Surf Links.  Avoid Textlinks unless you have safelist referrals on that site
    • I use TRACKERS and SPLIT TEST sources, effectiveness of subject lines, ad copy, capture pages, bonuses  Tracker sources: BuildABizOnlineLeadsLeapViralURLHitsConnect
    • I TEST my Capture Pages, redirection, and autoresponder message streams to be sure they WORK.  I use a tool called 10minutemail.com to create a 10 minute email account and inbox, enough time to do a complete funnel test.
    • I use SuperSolos to SPLIT TEST subject lines.  Supersolos allow up to 5 subject lines and return click stats for each.  I purchase Supersolos through the many deals (see left column) but usually buy in bulk at SimpleTextAdz
  • Promote to VERIFIED Traffic Sources
    • Safelists and other double opt-in traffic sources are a good starting point, but check REVIEWS and TEST yourself using TRACKERS.  Get promo codes to over 400 sites by joining through Free Member Promo Codes pages at Advertising Blowout. Get a 5-pack for joining, 5-pack when you redeem Promo Code newmember, and redeem ABO promo code for yet another.
    • Get a free 1-year Gold upgrade at another safelist every week for 2 years. Get a 5-pack for joining, 5-pack when you redeem Promo Code newmember, Ads when you redeem the Gold upgrade promo code.  Gold members receive monthly ads.
    • Tried and True CHIPs safelists.  I recommend going all-in with Secrets of the Big Dogs. Buy the ebook. Upgrade to Alpha Dog, join the CHIPs safelists under your sponsor, then upgrade to the highest level you can afford to get optimum traffic and most commissions.
  • Change it Up
    • ​Avoid using the canned affiliate ad copy and subject lines that EVERYONE is using in their promotions.  Use ChatGPT to help create unique and attention getting promos.
    • Create different and unique CAPTURE PAGES and GRAPHICS
    • Utilize QUALITY LEAD MAGNETS and BONUSES that have VALUE to the prospect
    • ​NEVER  make Earnings Projections or promises
    • Do not use DECEPTIVE claims
    • USE what YOU sell and USE, and give examples of PERSONAL EXPERIENCE

Question: Where do I get training?

My preferred platform for training, tools, and traffic is the Worldprofit Silver membership, but you can also find

Question? What do the Top Sellers in Network Marketing do to make money?


  • They follow the LEGITIMATE training to learn the skills then apply what they learn.
  • They treat network marketing like a BUSINESS.  It takes investment in TIME, MONEY, EFFORT, and PATIENCE.  There IS NO EASY BUTTON.
  • They consistently promote as often as they can and build their own email marketing list.
  • They PICK ONE primary business and FOCUS on the success factors.  Do not get distracted.  Every task should move you closer to the goal.  Have PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE.
  • Any “side hustles” should be at least peripherally in support of your PRIMARY BUSINESS.
    • All my Worldprofit Associates are exposed to my BRANDED primary business in their member areas and in Worldprofit communications when they join, and when they login.
    • My website has a whole section dedicated to my primary business and side hustles
    • Automatic Builder exposes all my subscribers to my primary business and side hustles.
    • All non-safelist emails and broadcasts have signature-line links to my primary business and side hustles.
    • My newsletter has banners and references to my primary business and side hustles.  So does my blog where I store the newsletter archive.
  • They continually strive to LEARN
    • Pick a PLR ebook.  View videos, Take ecourses.
    • Watch for trends.  Peruse your inbox to see what your COMPETITION is doing.

Question?  What are the common characteristics of the Top Sellers?

  • Never stop promoting.
  • Never give up.
  • Never lose their focus.
  • Never stop learning.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop recording posted for 8-2-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:    https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting