The Best Time to Post Ads. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/10/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/10/2024


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  • Newsletter Archive
  • The Best Time to Post Ads
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop  – New Recording Posted

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When is the Best Time to Post Ads?

Hmmm, that depends.  There are many factors to consider.

Timing of When to Submit

My biggest obstacle with several of my MOST TRUSTED sites is TIMING of WHEN TO SUBMIT MY ADS

For instance, I have several of the BigDogs CHIPs safelists that only allow email submissions every 48 or 72 hours.  That is not 40 or 65 hours, but 48 or 72 hours.  

BigDogs Training provides a CALENDAR that lays out the sites, and the days of the week to submit emails that accommodate the email frequency restrictions.  I have to be sure to START my routine EARLY ENOUGH ON MONDAY so I am not stuck submitting my ads later for the rest of the week.

Understanding Approval Issues

Just because you SUBMIT ads, it does not mean those ads will be approved.  Ads must be approved for the safelist to display them. 


  • Some sites have AUTO-APPROVE capabilities.  It may be turned on for the whole site, or only certain ad types.
  • If not Auto-Approved, approvals must be done MANUALLY by the safelist Admin
  • On Dave Mosher's 300+ sites, Solo ads, Credit Mails, Supersolos, and Textlinks are auto-approved

Admin Location/Approval Schedule and Frequency.

If your ads must be manually approved, it depends on what TIMEZONE where the Admin resides, the Admin's work schedule, and how often the Admin checks the safelist Admin Dashboard to see if approvals are necessary.

  • Admins can be located anywhere in the world.  You may not know where the Admin is located
  • Some Admins check for ad approvals several times per day
  • I do approvals on Dave Mosher's 200+ sites once per day, usually late afternoon or evening (Eastern) 7 days per week for ad types that require approvals.  If Dave does it, it is a hour behind (Central time) Sunday through Friday.

Ad Type

On Dave Mosher's 200+ sites,

  • Solo ads, Credit Mails, Textlinks, and SuperSolos are auto-approved
  • Manual approval is required for banners, buttons, surf sites, sponsor login ads, and Personal Builder Pages.  Profile pictures must also be approved.

Queue Depth

  • Certain email ads like Credit Mails and Solos are QUEUED for sending due to email sending rules for the site.  Most sites PACE the release of emails from the queue so Google does not shut the site down for violating spamming rules
  • Some sites only allow X number of emails to be sent per day from ALL members combined.  If it is a particularly active site, it may take several days for your approved emails to be sent.
  • Banners, buttons, surf sites, and textlinks are randomly selected and put into respective queues that feed the rotators that display them on the headers of emails (click for credit) and safelist member area pages. 
    • Even on small safelists, there are literally THOUSANDS of these ads feeding the rotators, so it may take DAYS or WEEKS after approval to be displayed JUST ONCE.
    • This is why I do not recommend these PASSIVE traffic ads.  They take so long to get views, rarely get clicked. But they do contribute to brand recognition.  IMHO, Not worth the effort required for such a meager ROI.

What if You Need Your Ads to Be Sent for a Certain Day/Time?

  • Contact the Admin (usually through their support ticket system).  Some Admins will cater to special requests for PURCHASED ADS if you are an UPGRADED MEMBER.  
  • Some Credit Mail systems allow you to set the date/time that the ads are delivered.  These are typically auto-approved.
  • SetNForget Solos allow you to purchase solos for all week or certain days of the week, and the frequency for your solo to go out.  They are approved once when they are submitted, and typically released overnight on the days selected


My Recommendations
  • Create a CALENDAR that maps out which sites can send on which days
  • Use a tool like MasterSafelistMails (absolutely free) to reduce your Gmail traffic.  Gmail sets limits on the number of emails YOU can receive over a period of time, which could be slowing down delivery of messages to your inbox or even cause the email to BOUNCE.  Most safelists will try to resend the email, but too many bounces and the software may suspend your account or put your account in VACATION MODE.

    Once you enter your userid and password for the safelist in MSM, credit mails, solos, and supersolo emails will no longer be delivered to your gmail inbox, but can be accessed on MSM.  Only Admin emails will be delivered to your Gmail inbox.

    The more people who use MasterSafelistMails, the less outgoing email is sent from the site, which means fewer delays.

    Members of those sites using MSM get IMMEDIATE delivery of the emails YOU send because there is no queuing or pacing.

  • Use a premium tool like Trafficzipper Autopilot that monitors selected highly effective traffic sites, and sends your emails when you are permitted to send and you have enough credits.
  • Send your ads with critical timing issues EARLY in the day because it could effect your timing the rest of the week
  • Join and use Dave Mosher's sites (join them from Advertising Blowout, redeem the exclusive promo codes and promo code newmember), add and update those sites in MasterSafelistMails

    Submit your SuperSolos, credit mails and solo ads ANY TIME because they are Auto-Approved.

  • Submit ads that require approval before 5PM Eastern to get them approved that day.  Sponsor Login Ads are the only ad type I'd be concerned with in respect for timing.  These are highly effective ads.
  • I personally do not put much effort into posting banners, buttons, surf sites, or textlinks.

    Exception:  if I have REFERRALS on any of these sites, I post textlinks on those sites because every time my referrals login to the site, they are shown a screen that contains EXCLUSIVELY MY TEXTLINKS


Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop – New Recording Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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